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TEL: 310.

the 'MOOLAH' yeah: we get-it - you work v.hard for your dosh, and have an incredible array of choices of how to spend-it. Thank-you for even considering us. We respect your energy. PS. we also respect the planet and aim to gift 10% of revenue to various charities.
come-on 'take the leap' -
for your first session: bring a friend - one of you gets it for free!
BOGO: Buy One Get One.
*standard single session $60*
We offer ‘donation-only; sessions: where you give as much as you can: and proceeds go to charity. Link with us on twitter/facebook - so you can be up to speed on dates & timings
our flow is to make you head over heals in love with what we offer, and having you supercharged with fresh perspective to re-imagine your life to even more amazing levels.
Join our family, become a member of the KOOL-KLUB!
It's just $99/mo - which includes a complimentary session, and then every sesh is 50% off!
You also get discounts of amazing elixirs, apparel and neutroceutical wonders
Of course you get to ‘chill’ in the Kool-Lounge and connect/collaborate with the Koolest folks in LA
Our mission is to constantly boost more value to our member-family: with monthly giveaways, prize-draws and super-kool ‘events’ just for you

want something even more 'out the box'
....fabulous! contact-us, and we'll craft something amazing...
...special events
Up an at em.
Always Ignite success and in all Ways.
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